Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring Break 2010

I am sitting here @ my parents house in New Mexico playing on the computer. The computer & I have a love-hate relationship. I am usually doing work on it so I do not enjoy sitting down at it normally.

I found some free time this afternoon to just chill. Thompson is asleep in the recliner next to me, the back door is open & a cool breeze is blowing in. I love New Mexico in the spring. Cold, brisk morning air that warms into the perfect afternoon.

I just realized that it has been one year since my last post. Wow! What a year of change...all for the better. I am not a journal writer nor am I do liek to divulge personal details. I do not really enjoy getting to root of my issues but in the last several months I have been allowing my family & friends to see me for me. I am finally in a place that I can be me & not what I am expected to be.

Thank you for loving me, believing in me, & for always holding my feet to the fire. I am so thankful for your love.