Thursday, March 19, 2009

Calm After the Storm!

After 3 days of rocky water, calm has been restored to our house.

I had to get my head around the idea that my parents are disappointed in the choices that I have made. I get where she was coming from. I respect her opinion & can live with the fact that I did exactly what I needed to do when presented with the situation. I am doing a good job at being the mother & father in this family. I am not ashamed or embarrassed about who I am & where I have come from.

I am rebellious & that's an asset when going against the flow of what is acceptable in this world. I am spontaneous & that is what makes it an adventure. I am immature & juvenile but does anyone really like a party-pooper around. That is what I have been for 3 days. I was such a fun-sucker. I apologize to all my friends & family out there.


Amy said...

As a mom with adult daughters, I know that we still want you to listen to us and see our way as "THE WAY" - but you are given this time to do things your own way, and we have to sit back and pray. And have faith. I'm glad you got things figured out!!

jenn said...

glad you worked through that!!! It made me sad that you were down and unsure of yourself! welcome back sister!!!!!!!!

Jackie said...

fun sucker? Wow. You gotta be careful when you say that one, huh?